The Ketchum Keystone, August 24, 1895
The geological survey corps of E.T. Perkins, Jr., is now at Sawtooth. During the past few weeks it has been operating on the headwaters of the various streams tributary to Wood river from the north. The highest of the peaks at the head of East Fork of Wood river has been duly confirmed with the name of “Hyndman Peak,” in‘ honor of Major Hyndman, our fellow-townsman and Mr. Perkins is thoroughly satisfied that it is the highest mountain peak in the state after repeated efforts and tests, having determined its height at 12,072 feet. During the past week Messrs. Goods and Ganuett, chief geologist and topographer from Washington, D. C., visited Mr. Perkins in camp near Galena. This Work is being well and thorougly done by most competent and skillful officials and cannot be too highly commended. Very soon we will have perfectly correct maps of the whole Wood River and Sawtooth regions.