
4WD  Four-wheel drive, high-clearance vehicle

BLM  Bureau of Land Management

CDT  Continental Divide Trail

CG   Campground

FH-#  A numbered Forest Service highway, as identified on a national forest map

FS-#  or FSR-##  A numbered Forest Service road, as identified on a national forest map

FST-#  A numbered Forest Service trail, as identified on a national forest map

GHW  Gospel-Hump Wilderness

GS   Forest Service Guard Station

HCW  Hells Canyon Wilderness

I-#  An Interstate Highway

ID-#  An Idaho State Highway

INEEL or  INL   Idaho National Laboratory

MLPA  Mallard Larkins Pioneer Area

ORV  Off-Road Vehicle including ATVs and dirt bikes

Quad  A USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle map

RNRW Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness

SBW  Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness

SNRA  Sawtooth National Recreation Area

US-#   A United States highway

USFS or FS  The United States Forest Service

USGS  United States Geologic Survey topographic quadrangle

WA-##  Washington State Highway

WCP  White Cloud Peak