I highly recommend the new edition of Steve’s Boise Trail Guide which is a key to unlocking 90 hiking and trail-running routes close to home for us Boiseans.
Here are the details:
BOISE – Hikers, dog-walkers and trail-runners can rejoice in the launch of the 2nd edition of Boise Trail Guide, which has been one of author Steve Stuebner’s most popular guidebooks of all-time. Now the guide features 90 — count ’em, 90! — hiking and running routes close to home.
Boise Trail Guide: 90 Hiking & Running Routes Close to Home is hot off the press. Copies are being distributed to Boise-area outdoor retailers today. The 224-page book retails for $19.95.
“It’s amazing that it’s even possible to feature 90 hiking/running routes in the greater Boise area,” says Stuebner, the author of more than 10 outdoor books. “It shows how lucky we are to have such a huge diversity of trails and terrain that we can explore close to home, whether it’s on the Boise River Greenbelt, in the Boise Foothills, the Owyhees, the Boise National Forest or Idaho State Parks.
“We are blessed! I tried to maximize your enjoyment by serving up the most trails featured in a single hiking and running guide in Boise history,” Stuebner said.
The book features 15 trips on the Boise River Greenbelt and in local parks, dozens of loops in the Ridge to Rivers trail system in the Boise Foothills, Bogus Basin trails, outings in the Owyhee Mountains, and multiple routes in the Boise National Forest near Idaho City, Garden Valley, Smith’s Ferry and Cascade.
With health and fitness in mind, the guide allows hikers and runners to build endurance by starting on easy routes along the Boise Greenbelt and then building up to 17 Easy Mountain Trails and 23 Moderate Mountain Trails before people might tackle much more challenging 26 Strenuous Mountain Trails and 7 Epic Mountain Trails.
“Steve’s Boise Trail Guide has been a tremendous resource for our customers,” says Rich Harris, owner of Bandanna Running & Walking in Boise. “This is the book you want to use when exploring Southwest Idaho trails. Whether you’re looking for a beautiful Greenbelt trail along the Boise River or want to challenge yourself in the Owyhees, Steve’s comprehensive knowledge, descriptions and love of the Treasure Valley outdoors make you want to get out and experience it for yourself.”
The Boise Trail Guide is available at valley outdoor, hiking and running stores, including Bandanna Walking and Running, the Idaho Running Company, Idaho Mountain Touring, Rediscovered Books and Boise REI. The book also is available at www.amazon.com and stevestuebner.com
Also check out Steve’s Blog for more details and hiking information: Stueby’s Outdoor Journal

90 Hiking and Running Routes