Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of Joe Leonard’s memoir, the Son of the Madam of Mustang Ranch. Joe is a man who spent his first five years living in the Idaho backcountry in his grandparents’ cabin. From that point, his life just got more interesting each year. Idahoans will learn that Joe was behind many “first” accomplishments in Idaho, including the first winter ascent of Mount Regan, the first backcountry skiing guide service in Idaho and the first Kayaking school in the entire country. It was our good fortune that Joe has agreed to share some of his Idaho adventures with us as he is a enthralling writer who has lived many extraordinary adventures. His life has been more expansive than his impressive Idaho accomplishments. Now, we have the chance of vicariously experience Joe’s entire life in this new book. This link will take you to an excerpt from the book: Lost and Wandering.
This link that will take you directly to the website where you can buy the book, the Booklocker.