Elevation: 6,814 ft
Prominence: 1,834
Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 84 of the book.
Here are improved directions to the peak’s trailhead: From Coeur d’Alene, drive east on I-90 approximately 50 miles to Wallace, Idaho. Take Exit 61. Drive north for 7.2 miles on FSR-456 to Dobson Pass. At the pass, turn right onto Sunset Peak Road. Travel east 4 miles to the Sunset Mine. Take the upper road along the north edge of the mine 0.5 miles to Tamarack Saddle. At the saddle, go right/east on a well-defined road. Follow the trail signs. There is a trail sign next to the Soil Conservation Service snow course. The trailhead for FST-137 begins to the left, off of an old mining road. It is 6.0 miles to the summit. Visit the Panhandle National Forest web page for this peak for additional details. USGS Burke
Additional Resources
Regions: Bitterroot Mountains->NORTHERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Bitterroot Mountains
Longitude: -115.7608 Latitude: 47.5625