Elevation: 9,554 ft
Prominence: 254

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020
Lupine Mountain is the only named peak on a long ridge line extending north from Antelope Pass. This climb is part of a four-peak adventure that includes Peak 9579, Lupine Mountain, Peak 9699, and Peak 9781. Do not attempt this ridge traverse on a windy day. USGS Shelly Mountain
Same as for Peak 9579. This is the second leg of a four-peak journey that begins at Antelope Pass.
South Ridge, Class 3
The Climb
From the 9,260-foot connecting saddle with Peak 9579, scramble north along the rocky ridge to reach the rocky summit of Lupine Mountain. If you skirt the right/east side of the rocky ridge outcrops, the difficulty of this climb is only Class 2. The summit of Lupine Mountain has triangulation posts, wiring, and cairns as well as a USGS benchmark in a nearby ground boulder. It also has a large summit cairn.

The summit cairn atop Lupine Mountain with Peak 9579 (right of center) in mid-ground. Livingston Douglas Photo

Looking north from the summit of Lupine Mountain at Peak 9699 (mid-ground). Livingston Douglas Photo

Round Mountain is the forested hump in mid-ground (dead center). The weaving, undulating connecting ridge from Lupine Mountain is probably the easiest way to reach Round Mountain. Livingston Douglas Photo
North Ridge, Class 3
The Descent
From the summit, downclimb a large buttress (Class 3) at the top of the north ridge to reach much easier terrain. After this buttress, there are no more rocky outcrops on the ridge. Drop to a minor saddle that is the connecting saddle between Lupine Mountain and Peak 9699 to the north. This concludes the second leg of today’s four-peak adventure. Peak 9699 is up next.
Additional Resources
Regions: EASTERN IDAHO->White Knob Mountains
Mountain Range: White Knob Mountains
Longitude: -123.74959 Latitude: 43.79691