Elevation: 7,340 ft
Prominence: 1,080

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2021
No Business Mountain is the northernmost West Mountains summit to exceed 1,000 feet of prominence. Its domineering status resulted in its use as a fire lookout since the 1920s. The peak has three high points of almost equal elevation. The center point is the highest. The southernmost point houses the fire lookout and the northernmost point has had its top shaved off and an FAA directional facility installed. USGS No Business Mountain
DO NOT USE GOOGLE MAPS TO ACCESS THIS PEAK. Although Google Maps is a valuable tool for reaching Idaho drive-up peaks, several searches for No Business Mountain from various locations completely failed on this one. Google Maps continually gave directions through inaccessible private property. HOWEVER, if you search for No Business Saddle on Google Maps, you will get accurate directions to start your journey. From the saddle, follow FSR-186 downhill to its junction with FSR-245 in 2.4 miles. This road is signed for the lookout.
FSR-186 is a narrow, steep, well-maintained road. FSR-245 is also a narrow, steep, maintained road. Follow FSR-245 north and uphill for 5.0 miles to its junction with FSR-185. From this junction, it is 3.4 miles to the lookout. Follow the road until you reach the saddle between the northern and central of the peak’s three summits. Park here. Although I saw two low-clearance vehicles carefully navigating FSR-185 up this road, I recommend a high-clearance vehicle for the last 1.5 miles, which is rocky and uneven.
Northwest Ridge, Class 2
From the saddle, it is a short 0.1 miles to the summit which crowned by two big pines. The elevation gain is roughly 100 feet.
Additional Resources
Regions: West Mountains->WESTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: West Mountains
Year Climbed: 2021
Longitude: -116.20009 Latitude: 44.76549