Peak 9140 South by Livingston Douglas

This formation is not in the book specifically but is discussed as part of the Cathedral’s Cemetery climbing area. Dana Hanson and I climbed this peak in 1984 following the lead of Paul Bellamy. I am not sure if it was a first ascent. We did not see evidence of other climbers, but I know this area was worked over … Continue reading

Peak 9046 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 9046 is a gentle hump that sits southwest of Golden Trout Lake in the Bighorn Crags. It is most easily climbed via its north ridge from the popular FST-021. USGS Hoodoo Meadows Access From the 4-way road junction, drive north then west then southup FSR-113 for a rugged, rutted … Continue reading

Peak 8556 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 8556 is a rock-and-forest, ridgeline summit that sits due east of Golden Trout Lake in the Bighorn Crags. It is overlooked by climbers because it is four feet shy of being a ranked summit. But it is a beautiful mountain and is a worthy climbing objective. Finding it through … Continue reading

Peak 8762 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 8762 is a rock-and-forest crag located just north of Golden Trout Lake in the Bighorn Crags. It is overlooked by climbers probably due to the bushwhack required to reach the summit area. The summit is a surprising block of rock that is hiding in the forest. It requires a … Continue reading

Peak 9351 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 9351 is a ridgeline summit with a summit cap of talus. It is the high point on a ridge that separates Opal Creek from Panther Creek in the Eastern Salmon River Mountains. Peak 9351 is most easily climbed via its south face from FSR-129 just above Morgan Creek Summit. … Continue reading

Peak 8563 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023 Peak 8563 is a talus heap that sits above the headwaters of Weasel Creek in the Eastern Salmon River Mountains. It is a ridge hump on the north ridge of Peak 9351.  It can either be climbed via its northwest ridge from Opal Lake or via its west ridge from … Continue reading