South Butte by Ken Jones

This peak is not in the book. South Butte, the highest point of the Monumental Buttes, has 2,307 feet of prominence and is highly sought by people attempting to climb all of Idaho’s P2K summits. USGS Monumental Buttes Ken Jones’ route information follows: Ascent Trip Report Access Follow FSR-301 to its junction with FSR-457. I came from Clarkia on ID-3, … Continue reading

Stripe Mountain by Ken Jones

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 73-74 of the book. Stripe Mountain is the highest point in the Clearwater Mountains and is a P2K peak. There is no short way to approach this remote summit. USGS Stripe Mountain Access The trailhead is at Salmon Base Camp, a former campground that has burned and is no longer … Continue reading

Castle Rock 5415

This peak is not in the book. Dan Kruger, John Platt and Pat McGrane have provided photos, access and route information on this impressive tower. Pat McGrane’s complete route description is found down the page. Updated April 2018 There are 8 Idaho features named Castle Rock. This one is a rugged tower located north of Shafer Butte. John Platt has … Continue reading

Peak 10401 (Daisy Black Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Daisy Black Peak is a subsidiary summit of Tyler Peak. It sits due west of Tyler Peak. The connecting ridge is an impressive route-finding problem and effectively isolates the peak from Tyler’s summit. Thus, although this peak has only 221 feet of prominence, it clearly should be considered a separate peak. See Larry … Continue reading

Peak 10358 (Great Western Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Great Western Peak is located on the main Lemhi Range Crest between Mount Hoopes and Saddle Mountain. The peak has been climbed by Rick Baugher and Larry Prescott. Two Larry Prescott trip reports are linked below. The first discusses an unsuccessful attempt and the second describes his successful ascent. Both trip reports are … Continue reading