Peak 10488 (North Deer Lake Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 227-228 of the book. Peak 10488 is located NNW of Deer Lakes, between Galena Gulch and Deer Creek. It does not see many climbers, but I highly recommend it for both its scenic qualities and its remoteness. I am not sure where the proposed name originated, but it obviously refers … Continue reading

The Knoll

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 305 of the book. Livingston Douglas supplemented the book text by providing the description for the southeast ridge found below. Updated December 2019 The Knoll is located on the main Lemhi Range Crest between Umpleby Peak and Medusa. The northeast ridge is a steep Class 2 climb. The ridge traverse … Continue reading

Phi Kappa Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 244 of the book. Margo Mandella added the Southeast Route route. Livingston Douglas added a photo. Updated November 2024 Phi Kappa Mountain has 296 feet of prominence, just 4 feet shy of being a ranked summit. Phi Kappa Mountain is located above the southeast fork of Summit Creek, near Trail … Continue reading

Peak 10446

This peak is not in the book. Brett Sergenian has provided additional beta which is set out below.  Peak 10446 is located 2.1 miles west of Ryan Peak and east of Peak 10450. I climbed Peak 10446 on June 24, 1979. USGS Ryan Peak Access North Fork of the Wood River Trailhead [(A)(9)(a) on Pages 241-242] Point 10368/East Ridge, Class … Continue reading

Scorpion Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 256 of the book. While not the highest peak in the mid-section of the Pioneer Mountains, Scorpion Mountain is one of the few peaks in this area with an official name. It is also a nice scramble. USGS Star Hope Mine … Continue reading