Grays Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 252 of the book. Livingston Douglas added additional photos. Updated November 2022 Grays Peak is accessible earlier than most Pioneer Mountain peaks. It is often climbed from the Federal Gulch Campground via its West Ridge as described in the book. USGS Grays Peak Photos of the West Ridge Route Livingston … Continue reading

Peak 10566

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 239-240 of the book. Livingston Douglas updated the introductory paragraph, added detailed route descriptions covering the routes in the book, and included new photos. Updated December 2024 Peak 10566 is one of two high peaks that sit atop a ridge that separates Trail Creek from West Fork Trail Creek in … Continue reading

Elk Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 198 of the book. Elk Peak is one the most remote peaks in the Sawtooth Range. From the east, it is a long hike including a tough stretch of cross-country travel. From the west, climbing it requires a trudge up the South Fork Payette River and a lot of elevation … Continue reading

Peak 10585 (Summit Creek Peak)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 244 of the book. Updated January 2019 Summit Creek Peak is located above the southeast fork of Summit Creek, near Trail Creek Summit, in the Pioneer Mountains. It is a ranked peak and is often climbed with an ascent of Phi Kappa Mountain. USGS Phi Kappa Mountain Access Take Trail … Continue reading

Mount Carter

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 163 of the book. Mount Carter contrasts with the other peaks around it, like Merritt Peak, Mickeys Spire, Thompson Peak and Williams Peak, as it is a rounded high point and not a steep, granite-encrusted peak. USGS Stanley Lake … Continue reading

Peak 10598

Peak 10598 viewed from Hemingway Peak.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 239 of the book. Livingston Douglas added more detailed access information, new routes and photos. Updated December 2024 Peak 10598 is located in the upper reaches of the Trail Creek drainage. The drainage is surrounded by eleven 10,000-foot peaks. This peak and Peak 10566 sit in the middle of this … Continue reading