Elevation: 10,375 ft
Prominence: 315
This peak is not in the book. Derek Percoski added additional commentary to this page and a photo. The route description below is on based Brett Sergenian‘s trip report which is linked below. Bray Antrim added the North Ridge route. Updated December 2024
Peak 10375, locally known as Liberty Peak, sits on the Grand Mogul Divide directly south of Decker Peak. Derek Percoski point out that “Despite the map showing an extra contour on the north summit, both summits are very close in elevation. Fortunately it’s easy to get from one to the other by traveling along the west side of the summit ridge. I climbed the east face directly to the north summit. Overall it was a fun class-3+ route but there was quite a bit of loose rock. After visiting the south summit, I descended the south face. It was primarily steep, loose dirt. It worked just fine for a descent route but might make for an unpleasant ascent.” USGS Mount Cramer
Hell Roaring Lake [(A)(5) on Page 206]
South Ridge, Class 3
From the west end of Hell Roaring Lake, follow the climber’s trail to the lake basins on the north side of the Finger of Fate through some Class 3 terrain. From there, the route to the summit is reportedly obvious through a set of cliff bands. A short chimney near the summit is the crux of the climb.
2024 Update by Bray Antrim
North Ridge, Class 3
This ridge is a quick class 3 climb from the saddle with Decker Peak. There’s a rock formation at around 10,250′ that is skirted on the west side.
Additional Resources
Regions: Grand Mogul Cramer Divide->Sawtooth Range->WESTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Sawtooth Range
Longitude: -114.96839 Latitude: 44.03479