Elevation: 10,550 ft
Prominence: 490

This peak is not in the book. Updated December 2018
Left Wright Peak is a spectacular peak located on the main Lemhi Range Crest at the headwaters of four drainages: North Fork Morgan Creek, Cow Creek, Wright Creek and Kadletz Creeks. The peak would be unknown were it not for the explorations of Rick Baugher. USGS May Mountain
Kadletz Creek FST-180 [(A)(10.2.1)(a) on Page 316]
South Ridge, Class 3
Rick climbed the peak from Kadletz Creek via its Class 3 South Ridge. Rick’s trip report is linked below.
Additional Resources
Regions: EASTERN IDAHO->Lemhi Range
Mountain Range: Lemhi Range
Longitude: -113.83811 Latitude: 44.74069