Elevation: 5,342 ft
Prominence: 362

This peak is not in the book. Published October 2020
Peak 5342 is located northeast of Red Mountain and east of the main Owyhee Mountains crest. USGS Toy Pass
This peak is accessed from Oreana, Idaho. The directions in the book [A](3) on Pages 346-347] described the route to Toy Pass via the Bachman Grade/Triangle Road. This road is a wide, well-graded (albeit steep) road suitable for passenger cars when it is dry. Follow the road south from Oreana for 8.9 miles. Turn right onto a rough dirt road (4WD recommended). Follow this road for 2.1 miles. Just after crossing through a fence line, the road drops off a high point and meets a junction. Turn left. You will need a 4WD with heavy duty tires from this point. The rugged road runs north paralleling the Owyhee Crest. Three miles from the highway you will reach the junction for Peak 5342. Turn left and follow this steep 4WD road for 1.4 miles to a saddle a quarter of a mile and 400 feet below the summit.
East Face, Class 2
From the saddle, some yahoo actually drove a vehicle the remaining distance to the summit ridge. Do not attempt driving this section. Instead, hike up the tire tracks to the summit ridge. Once on the ridge, turn right and walk the short distance to the top. Round trip is 0.5 miles with less than 400 feet of elevation gain.
Additional Resources
Regions: Owyhee Mountains->Silver City Range->SOUTHERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Owyhee Mountains
Year Climbed: 2020
Longitude: -116.56079 Latitude: 42.95139