Elevation: 5,428 ft
Prominence: 288

This peak is not in the book.
Cathedral Butte is located northeast of Danskin Peak and northwest of Cathedral Rocks. Erik Pohlmann described this peak stating: “Sprinkled granite and a couple early-season ponds give this mellow ridge traverse a wonderful, albeit false, alpine feel. Lends STUNNING views of the most densely-forested Danskin terrain, Danskin Peak rising 3,000 feet out of the deep and rugged South Fork Boise River Canyon, and vast Smith Prairie giving way to the high Trinity Mountains.” USGS Danskin Peak
Access and Route, Class 2
To access the start of the Cathedral Rocks Route, use the directions on the Danskin Peak page to reach the saddle between Danskin Peak and Peak 6244/Trail Peak. From the saddle, follow the old abandoned road shown on the USGS quad southeast. Erik reports that: “This route contains a nice worn single track. It will be obvious when you need to leave the road and head east cross-country to your objective. Look for Point 5350 on the USGS quad.” Drop off the road to Point 5350 and then follow the ridge northwest to the summit.
Additional Resources
Regions: Boise Mountains->Danskin Mountains->WESTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Boise Mountains
Longitude: -115.63209 Latitude: 43.42619