Elevation: 5,587 ft
Prominence: 447

This peak is not in the book.
Peak 5587 sits southeast of Grape Mountain and due south of Peak 5424. These 3 peaks surround the Trail Creek drainage. The peak was burned over at some point in the past. The forest is not recovering well but the brush is healthy. The summit has an outstanding view of the South Fork Boise River’s spectacular gorge. The peak is an easy ascent from the road that leads to Grape Mountain. USGS Long Gulch
Access the peak by taking the Middle Fork Boise River Road to the Slide Gulch Road [(C)(1) on Page 154]. To climb the peak from Trail Creek, continue driving south on FS-113 over a pass and down into the Trail Creek drainage. Turn right onto Trail Creek Road/FS-221 and follow it west. Take a left-hand turn at the only major junction and park after the road crosses Trail Creek. The road continues and soon reaches a gate, closing the route to motorized vehicles.
The Climb via the Road and Northwest Ridge, Class 2
The peak can be climbed from any direction, but the brushy slopes will make the going difficult on most lines. I recommend following the gated road to peak’s Northwest Ridge and then ascending the ridge, which is mostly brush-free, to the summit. Follow the road which climbs up the mountain in one giant switchback. There is a junction where the road switches back. Keep to the right. We turned off the road at the point where it turned due south toward the Peak 5587/Grape Mountain saddle. From this point, we followed an old fence line to the Northwest Ridge proper and then climbed the ridge. My GPS recorded 3.1 miles and 1,381 feet of elevation gain one way.
Additional Resources
Regions: Boise Mountains->WESTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Boise Mountains
Year Climbed: 2017
Longitude: -115.74149 Latitude: 43.5996