Elevation: 5,788 ft
Prominence: 448

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2021
Peak 5788 sits east of the Salmon River and is just southeast of the junction of US-93 and ID-75 south of Challis. Due to extensive private property in this area, Peak 5788 is difficult to reach on public land. This climb is entirely on BLM land so stay on course and carry a land management map with you. USGS Bradbury Flat
Same as for Peak 5727. This is the second leg of a 2-peak adventure that includes Peak 5727 and Peak 5788. It covers 6.0 miles with 1,525 feet of elevation gain round trip.
Southeast Ridge, Class 2
The Climb
From the 5,380-foot connecting saddle at the base of Point 5731, do a cross-country trek northwest across sagebrush slopes on the south side then west side of Point 5731. Cross a wide, dry gully to reach the broad southeast side of Peak 5788. Head north up onto the crest of the southeast ridge. Follow the easy ridge northwest and skirt the right/north side of a ridge hump to reach a minor saddle. Skirt northwest then west past some rocky humps to the right/north then follow a ridgeline southwest to the summit.
The Descent
Return to the connecting saddle. From the saddle, head southeast up a sagebrush gully to a saddle southwest of Peak 5727. Contour around to the east side of the peak and descend northeast to a dry gully. Follow the gully east to Warm Spring Road. Hike 0.3 miles north on the road to the cattle guard and your parked vehicle.
Additional Resources
Regions: Boulder Mountains->EASTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Boulder Mountains
Longitude: -114.18649 Latitude: 44.45439