Peak 8184 by Livingston Douglas

Elevation: 8,184 ft
Prominence: 305

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This peak is not in the book. Published December 2023

Peak 8184 is a new ranked summit in the Bear River Range, thanks to recent updates from LiDAR. It was previously an unranked hump (Point 8176 on the map) that is located above Moonlight Meadow. Peak 8184 sits on the Bear Lake/Franklin County line. It is most easily climbed from North Canyon via FSR-951/South Fork Road. USGS North Canyon


From the junction of US-89 and ID-36 in Ovid, drive west on ID-36 for 8.0 miles, just passing the hamlet of Sharon, ID. Turn right/north onto North Canyon Road/FSR-425 (signed for an obsolete Boy Scout Camp) and drive 5.7 miles to a junction with FSR-951/South Fork Road on the left/south side. Drive 50 yards on FSR-951 and park in an open meadow. The elevation at the parking area is 7,405 feet. North Canyon Road/FSR-401 is an excellent dirt road and is suitable for passenger vehicles.

East Face/South Ridge, Class 2

From the 7,405-foot open meadow, hike (or drive) south up FSR-951/South Fork Road to a set of power lines. Leave the road and bushwhack right/west up the service road underneath the power lines to reach the south ridge. Bushwhack right/north up the rounded ridge to the summit.

Additional Resources

Mountain Range: Bear River Range

Longitude: -111.58466   Latitude: 42.3960

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