Elevation: 9,699 ft
Prominence: 319

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020
Peak 9699 is one of four summits on a long ridgeline extending north from Antelope Pass: Peak 9579, Lupine Mountain (9,554 feet), Peak 9699, and Peak 9781. Do not attempt this ridge traverse on a windy day. USGS Copper Basin Knob

Peak 9699 (mid-ground) as viewed from the summit of Lupine Mountain to its south. Livingston Douglas Photo
Same as for Peak 9579. This is the third leg of a four-peak adventure that begins at Antelope Pass.
South Ridge, Class 2
The Climb
From the 9,300-foot connecting saddle with Lupine Mountain, follow the ridge north over Point 9471 then drop to a minor saddle. A 2-track road follows the ridge northwest from this saddle and almost reaches the summit of Peak 9699. A final 50-yard scramble through short scrub gets you to the top. The summit of Peak 9699 has a decent cairn on top.

Peak 9699 as viewed from the summit of Peak 9781 to the north. The summit is left of center. Livingston Douglas Photo

The summit cairn atop Peak 9699, looking north. Peak 9781 is in the background (mid-ground). Livingston Douglas Photo
North Ridge, Class 2
The Descent
From the summit, return to the 2-track road and follow it northwest then north along the ridge crest in open terrain to reach the 9,380-foot connecting saddle with Peak 9781. This concludes the third leg of today’s four-peak adventure. This leg is mostly Class 1. Peak 9781 is up next.
Additional Resources
Regions: EASTERN IDAHO->White Knob Mountains
Mountain Range: White Knob Mountains
Longitude: -113.75409 Latitude: 43.91049