Elevation: 9,877 ft
Prominence: 817

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2019
Peak 9877 is a ranked summit on the long east ridge of Copper Mountain (10,303 feet). It sits at the head of Gallagher Canyon. Peak 9877 is also a ridge corner. It is positioned at the north end of a prominent ridge on the east side of Long Canyon in the South Beaverheads. Gallagher Peak (9,825 feet) is an unranked summit located 0.7 mile east of Peak 9877 on a connecting ridge. Peak 9877 is Peak #2 of five summits in a single-day adventure called the Tour de Gallagher. USGS Copper Mountain

Peak 9877 (bare hump, left of center in mid-ground) with Copper Mountain in the background, as viewed from the summit of Gallagher Peak. Livingston Douglas Photo
East Ridge, Class 2
Same as for the east ridge of Gallagher Peak. This is the final leg of a ridge traverse from Gallagher Peak to Peak 9877.
The Climb
From the low saddle near Gallagher Peak, follow the ridge crest west-northwest over three rocky ridge points and then do the final climb to the summit of Peak 9877. This ridge section is Class 2 and is rocky with some scrub thrown in for good measure. It is a bit tedious. The summit of Peak 9877 is a ridge crest summit with a modest cairn. It offers a beautiful view of nearby Copper Mountain and the Birch Creek Valley.

Peak 9877 (left) and Gallagher Peak (right) with the tedious connecting ridge between them. Livingston Douglas Photo

The summit cairn atop Peak 9877 with Copper Mountain (right of center in mid-ground) and snow-clad Diamond Peak (left of center) in the distance. Livingston Douglas Photo
South Ridge, Class 2
Same as for the east ridge. This is the first leg of a ridge traverse from Peak 9877 to Bloom Benchmark (9,723 feet).
The Descent
From the summit, follow the narrow ridge crest south for about a mile to the low point between Peak 9877 and Bloom Benchmark. This low saddle (9,500 feet) is between Point 9628 and Point 9615. The ridge is narrow but the ridge terrain is relatively easy. It is NOT a tedious, rocky, up-and-down nightmare as one might expect it to be. Skirt any ridge outcrops on the open, gentle left/east side on firm scrub/scree. The low saddle is the base of the south ridge and concludes this leg of today’s 5-peak adventure.
Additional Resources
Regions: Beaverhead Range->EASTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Beaverhead Range
Longitude: -112.80189 Latitude: 44.16901