Elevation: 8,555 ft
Prominence: 15

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2023
Stein Mountain is a minor bump on the northwest ridge of N Mountain (8,870 feet). It has an active fire lookout. The high point is just east of the fire lookout on an open ridge crest. USGS North Fork

Stein Mountain as viewed from N Mountain to its southeast. Stein Mountain is the small, open hump at far left. Livingston Douglas Photo
From US-93 north of Salmon, turn right/northeast onto [signed] Fourth of July Creek Road/FSR-071 [(A)(2) on Page 328] and drive 10.4 miles to a [signed] junction with FSR-256 on a high ridge crest. From the [signed] junction of FSR-071 and FSR-256, drive about 3.8 miles west then southwest then northwest on FSR-071 to the Stein Mountain Lookout.
Northeast Face, Class 2
The Climb
From the service road, hike a short distance in easy, open scrub to the high point. The high point has a small antenna/measurement station atop it. There is no summit cairn.
Additional Resources
Regions: Beaverhead Range->EASTERN IDAHO
Mountain Range: Beaverhead Range
Longitude: -113.8805 Latitude: 45.4589