Tennessee Mountain

Elevation: 7,020 ft
Prominence: 160

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Tennessee Mountain viewed from the northeast.

This peak is not in the book. Also see the Owyhee Mountains Peaks List for all of the peaks in this range. Published September 2018

Tennessee Mountain is located southeast of Peak 7114 and west of Slacks Mountain. It is a minor summit with only 160 of prominence and is really just part of Peak 7114. The name is derived from miners who originated in the South and mined in the area. USGS De Lamar

Tennessee Mountain viewed from the northeast.

Tennessee Mountain as viewed from the northeast.


Access this peak from Peak 7114. Use the access section for Peak 7114 to climb that peak.

Northern Slopes, Class 1

The road to Tennessee Mountain leaves the summit plateau of Peak 7114 and drops down the peak’s Southeastern Slopes to a saddle due north of Tennessee Mountain. Follow the road to the saddle and then ascend the short distance to the summit.

Additional Resources

Mountain Range: Owyhee Mountains

Longitude: -116.78489   Latitude: 43.05289

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