Elevation: 8,876 ft
Prominence: 896

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 146-147. Additional information is set out below.
Wolf Mountain is more like a Sawtooth Range summit than most Boise Mountains’ peaks. While it is a long way from a paved road, access is good at least in a relative sense. USGS Jackson Peak
FS-312/Graham Road is a long, winding road that eventually leads to the upper reaches of the North Fork Boise River. It provides the best access. Take ID-21 from Boise for 55 miles to the turn for FS-384 at the [signed] Edna Creek Campground turn. Turn onto the excellent FS-384 gravel road and follow it to FS-312 in 4.0 miles. FS-312 is a good road, but is not recommended for passenger vehicles.
The main intersections are signed for Graham Road. The road crosses a pass between Archie Mountain and Peak 7561, continues to another pass and the junction with Jackson Peak Road, and then descends into the upper reaches of Crooked River. The route in the book is accessed from the river bottom just north of the peak. The road climbs out of the Crooked River drainage to yet another pass at the base of Peak 8498. Dave Pahlas climbed the peak from this pass via a nice ridge walk that starts by climbing over Peak 8498. Use the link below to access Dave’s trip report.

Wolf Mountain

The summit block of Wolf Mountain.

Wolf Mountain as viewed from Peak 8340. The left-hand ridge is the ridge that Dave Pahlas followed from Peak 8498.

Another view of Wolf Mountain.
Additional Resources