1929 Borah Declared Idaho’s Highest Peak

The book discusses the discovery of Borah Peak as the highest point in Idaho on Pages 16 and 17. This entry expands on that discussion and adds source documents relating to the issue as well as documentation for T.M. Bannon’s first ascent in 1912. The following 1929 article from Idaho Statesman declared to the world that Borah Peak, also known … Continue reading

Climbing the Slopes of Mount Borah—the Dean of Idaho Peaks

Editor’s note: This article from The Idaho Statesman (February 10, 1935) was written by Lyman Marden, one of the participants in the 1934 USGS mapping of the 15-minute Mount Borah quadrangle.  The Idaho Statesman (February 10, 1935). By Lyman Marden  During the season of 1934, the United States Geological Survey began the mapping of the Borah Peak quadrangle that includes … Continue reading

From Diamond Peak to Hyndman Peak: Kelly Lance’s 12er Traverse by Tom Lopez

Kelly Lance, a 49-year-old endurance runner from Pocatello, climbed all of Idaho’s 12,000-foot peaks in a 119-mile, 78-hour push starting on September 2, 2017. Unlike the others who have climbed the 12ers in a single push, Kelly did it without resorting to mechanized transportation, the first traverse of its kind and perhaps the most over-the-top accomplishment on these peaks to … Continue reading

Wayne Boyer

Wayne Boyer was a compatriot of Lyman Dye and one of the founders of the EE DA HOW Mountaineers, an Eastern Idaho climbing club. Boyer, along with Dye and Art Barnes, climbed many difficult routes in Eastern Idaho including his first ascent of the East Face of Mount Borah in 1962. … Continue reading

Lyman Dye 1932 – 2020

Lyman Dye was one of the giants of Idaho climbing. Lyman was a major contributor to the Sawtooth Range chapter in the book where his familiarity with the range, based on his many first ascents and leading clients to the tops of many peaks as part of his operation of the first guide service in the Sawtooths (discussed on Page … Continue reading

EE DA HOW Mountaineers

The EE DA HOW Mountaineers was a both a climbing group from Eastern Idaho formed by Lyman Dye, Art Barnes and Wayne Boyer and Lyman’s guide service. They were responsible for first ascents and putting up numerous first ascents in the Lost River Range from the late 1950s into the 1970s. Lyman and Wayne were still climbing in their 80s … Continue reading