The Underhill Sawtooth Story by Ray Brooks

“Rugged country. Awful rugged country. Miles and miles of sharp jagged pinnacles of firm granite.” A painter-friend of Bob Underhill told him that about Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains in the early 1930s, when Bob was in the Tetons for a few weeks pioneering big new routes on the Grand Teton and other nearby peaks. Although the painter isn’t named, it almost … Continue reading

Leading a Cat by Its Tail by Miriam E Underhill

Courtesy of the Adventure Journal.

Editors Note: Appalachia Vol. 20, 1934. This article put the Sawtooth Range in the national spotlight. Use this link to learn more about the author: Miriam Underhill  There is a bit of page 188 text missing at this point. I will add it as soon as possible. … Continue reading

The First Winter Ascent of Mount Regan

The following newspaper article covers the first Winter ascent of Mount Regan. Joe Leonard has written an extensive account of this climb. See The Lost and Wandering to read Joe’s account which is an excerpt from his  2016 memoir The Son of Madam of the Mustang Ranch. Read more about Joe in the Contributors Section of this website. Click on the … Continue reading

Where Do Mountain Names Come From?

The history, evolution and process of naming mountains is discussed on Pages 32-33 of the book. However, the specific origin of official (and unofficial) mountain names is often not documented. The public can submit proposed names for peaks via the U.S. Geological Survey’s U.S. Board on Geographic Names website. But often, and especially before the Internet, names that were not officially designated … Continue reading