Peak 9210

This peak is not in the book. Published July 2023 Peak 9210 sits just south-southwest of Fox Peak. This area was burned over and is slowly recovering from the event. The peak’s summit sits above the burned tree line and offers peakbaggers massive views of the Smoky, Boulder, and Pioneer mountains. USGS Boyle Mountain Access Primary access is from ID-75 … Continue reading

Peak 8142

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2023 Peak 8142 is located due east of Rattlesnake Mountain in a rugged, isolated area between the middle and south forks of the Boise River and east of the Trinity Mountains. This section of Boise Mountains is as up-and-down as any spot in the Idaho Batholith. It is wild and difficult … Continue reading

Needle Peak by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this named peak is on Pages 339-340 of the book. The Board of Geographic Names placed the name, I believe mistakenly, on this point rather than on the 9,449-foot point just to its south. This website has identified that point as Needle Peak HP. Published January 2023 Needle Peak is the named, [lower] north summit … Continue reading

Badger Knoll by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published January 2023 Badger Knoll is a minor sagebrush hump located on the west side of Blackfoot North Access Road and just above the northeast edge of Blackfoot Reservoir. It is a short scramble from that road and even has a 2-track road crossing its east side. USGS Reservoir Mountain Access From ID-34 … Continue reading

GANNETT HILLS by Livingston Douglas

The Gannett Hills that straddle the Idaho/Wyoming border were not included in the book. This was an oversight on my part. Livingston Douglas has provided us with both an overview of these mountains as well as routes for several of the range’s Idaho peaks. The Gannett Hills straddle the Idaho/Wyoming state line for almost 20 miles from just south of … Continue reading