Peak 7091 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published January 2023 Peak 7091 is a ridgeline summit that sits on the east side of Bear Lake. It separates Bee Hunt Hollow from Cooley Canyon. Its ranked neighbor to the north (Peak 7202) is only slightly higher. This area is a mix of private and public land, so be careful. This climb … Continue reading

Peak 7202 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published January 2023 Peak 7202 is a ridgeline summit that sits on the east side of Bear Lake. It separates Indian Creek from Bee Hunt Hollow. Its ranked neighbor to the south (Peak 7091) is only slightly lower. Peak 7202 is most easily climbed via its north ridge from Indian Creek Road. This … Continue reading

Peak 6648 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published January 2023 Peak 6648 is a minor sagebrush hump that is located southwest of Geneva along US-89. It is most easily climbed from Thomas Fork Road to its west. Peak 6648 is entirely on private land so you must obtain permission from the landowner before undertaking this short climb. USGS Geneva Access … Continue reading

Peak 8660 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published January 2023 Peak 8660 is the high point on a ridge that separates Webster Creek from Cow Creek in the Webster Range. It is overshadowed by its higher, more rugged, ridgeline neighbor to the northwest, Peak 8822. The bushwhacking in this area is difficult so be prepared. USGS Diamond Flat Access To reach … Continue reading

Peak 8822 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published January 2023 Peak 8822 is the high point on a ridgeline that separates Cow Creek from Horse Creek in the Webster Range. It sits southeast of Diamond Peak (8,696 feet) and north of Webster Canyon. Peak 8822 is most easily climbed from the Webster Creek Trail/FST-112. USGS Diamond Flat Access Same as … Continue reading