Peak 7620 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Peak 7620 separates Joes Gulch from Elkhorn Creek in the Eastern Salmon River Mountains just north of ID-75 and east of Lower Stanley. It barely exceeds the elevation of a few nearby ridge points of similar height in a heavily forested area. Peak 7620 is most easily climbed from Joes … Continue reading

Peak 7549 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Peak 7549 is the high point on a forested ridge on the west side of Valley Creek in the Sawtooth Range. It sits above the headwaters of Dry Creek. Peak 7549 is most easily climbed from the Valley Creek trailhead via its east side. USGS Elk Meadow Access From ID-21 … Continue reading

Peak 8267 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Peak 8267 towers over the confluence of the East Fork Valley Creek and Valley Creek in the Sawtooth Range west of Stanley. It is most easily reached from the end of Valley Creek Road on its west side. USGS Elk Meadow Access From ID-21 west of Stanley, turn right/north onto … Continue reading

Nip Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Nip Benchmark sits above Nip and Tuck Creek to its south. It is at the headwaters of Kelly Creek to its north. Nip Benchmark separates Joes Gulch from Stanley Creek. It is easily climbed via its south ridge from Nip and Tuck Road. USGS Basin Butte Access Nip and Tuck … Continue reading

Fingers Butte by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Fingers Butte is a rather insignificant hump that is located just west of the Arco-Minidoka Road about 15 miles south of Arco, Idaho. It is most easily climbed via its east face, entirely on BLM land. USGS Fingers Butte Access The Arco-Minidoka (A-M) Road begins southwest of Arco, just off … Continue reading