This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8146 is located in the northwest corner of Copper Basin. It is the final peak of a four-peak adventure that includes Peak 8664, Peak 9533, Peak 8763, and Peak 8146. Peak 8763 is located on the east side of the Fox Creek drainage, directly above the mouth of the … Continue reading
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This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8763 is located in the northwest corner of Copper Basin. This is the third peak of a four-peak adventure that includes Peak 8664, Peak 9533, Peak 8763, and Peak 8146. Peak 8763 is located on the east side of the Fox Creek drainage, directly above the convergence of the … Continue reading
This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 9533 is located in the northwest corner of Copper Basin. It is the second peak in a four-peak adventure that includes Peak 8664, Peak 9533, Peak 8763, and Peak 8146. Peak 9533 sits a ways up the west side of Fox Creek. A weaving, undulating two-mile ridge connects Peak … Continue reading
This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8664 is located in the northwest corner of Copper Basin. There are four ranked summits that surround Fox Creek: Peak 8664, Peak 9533, Peak 8763, and Peak 8146. They make for a fine, one-day outing that is entirely off-trail and covers 10.2 miles with 4,350 feet of elevation gain … Continue reading
This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8100 towers over the confluence of Twin Bridges Creek and the Big Lost River along Trail Creek Road. It separates Lake Creek from Twin Bridges Creek. It is overshadowed by its neighbor to the north (Peak 8700) and other peaks in the immediate vicinity. All of that being said, … Continue reading
This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 7696 is sandwiched between Champagne Creek to the east and Dry Creek to the west. Its east slopes are gentle but its west side is steep. You must thread a needle in order to remain on public land to and from the summit of Peak 7696. Most of the … Continue reading