Little Star Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2020 Little Star Benchmark is a wonderful little hump on the south side of Deer Creek in the Webster Range. It is an easy scramble from Deer Creek Road/FSR-156 with minimal bushwhacking. The views from the open summit are splendid. Little Star Benchmark even includes a nice summit cairn and a … Continue reading

Lower Black Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2020 Lower Black Benchmark is the south summit of Black Mountain. I suspect that many of the folks driving along US-89 to the east probably regard this antenna-clad summit as the high point on Black Mountain, but it is not. The true summit lies about 0.8 miles farther north and is … Continue reading

Congress Knob by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2020 Congress Knob is located northwest of the Palisades Dam and separates Dry Gulch from Yeaman Creek. It is merely a point on a mostly-forested ridge that extends northeast from Red Benchmark (8,952 feet). It is probably most easily climbed via the Russell Creek Trail/FST-266 and the [mostly-open] southwest ridge. USGS … Continue reading

Lightning Ridge by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2020 Lightning Ridge is one of several named ridges in this area of the Caribou Range. It is situated between two more prominent ridges: Deadhorse Ridge to its east and Fourth of July Ridge to its west. It is most easily climbed via FST-263 which crosses Lightning Ridge very close to … Continue reading

Peak 7794 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2020 Peak 7794 is a minor ridge that is situated between Deadhorse Ridge to its east and Lightning Ridge to its west. It has a wonderful open summit with great views. Peak 7794 is most easily climbed via FST-263 and its northwest ridge. It only falls six feet shy of being … Continue reading

Deadhorse Ridge by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2020 Deadhorse Ridge is one of many named ridges in this part of the Caribou Range. It is located between Red Ridge to its east and Lightning Ridge to its west. While the north summit is open and has a tall cairn, the south summit measures as the high point and … Continue reading