Peak 8565 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Peak 8565 is somewhat overwhelmed by higher peaks in the Baker Creek area but it is, nonetheless, a handsome summit with a magnificent south ridge that makes for a beautiful scramble in mostly open or semi-open terrain. Crossing [raging] Baker Creek is the crux of this climb but, thankfully, there … Continue reading

Peak 9846 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Peak 9846 is the high point on a ridgeline that parallels Murdoch Creek for a few miles. It is most easily climbed from the Murdoch Creek Trail and can be combined with a ridge traverse from Peak 9620 to its southwest. The 2-mile ridge traverse between Peak 9620 and Peak … Continue reading

Peak 7575 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2022 Peak 7575 is a gentle giant that sits due west of its higher and more popular neighbor, Timbered Dome (8,356 feet). It sits at the head of both Champagne Creek to its south and Chicken Canyon to its north. Peak 7575 is most easily reached from Champagne Creek Road via … Continue reading