Oliver Peak by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 339 of the book. This is the first peak of a 3-peak ridge traverse. Published November 2022 Oliver Peak is located at the head of Stateline Canyon. It towers over WY-22 and is close to the Idaho/Wyoming border.This is the first leg of a 3-peak adventure that includes Oliver Peak, … Continue reading

Smoky Peak by Jared Empey

This peak is not in the book. Jared ventured into this extremely remote section of the Sawtooth Wilderness climbing Big Buck Mountain, Peak 8662, and Smoky Peak in an epic journey. His trip report is set out below covers his journey from Big Buck Mountain to Smoky Peak. See the Big Buck Mountain page for the first part of the … Continue reading

Big Buck Mountain by Jared Empey

This peak is not in the book. Jared ventured into this extremely remote section of the Sawtooth Wilderness climbing Big Buck Mountain, Peak 8662, and Smoky Peak in an epic journey. His trip report is set out below and continues on the Smoky Peak page. Published August 2022 Big Buck Mountain is located on the western edge of the Sawtooth … Continue reading

Point 10080 (Thompson Tower) by Matthew Ward

This formation is not in the book. Published August 2022 Ky Hart and I climbed a probable new mixed route on an unnamed point (10,080 feet) in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. It is the easternmost point on the ridge leading east from Thompson Peak and East Thompson Peak. USGS Stanley Lake White Line Fever, M5 WI6 Four pitches of mixed climbing … Continue reading

Peak 10300 (East Thompson Peak) by Derek Percoski

This peak is not in the book. This intriguing summit was finally climbed on August 21, 2022 by Derek Percoski and Daniel Todd. Published August 2022 Naturally, East Thompson Peak is located due east of Thompson Peak. The peak is a conglomeration of broken towers. USGS Stanley Lake Access Take the Fishhook Creek Trail [(A)(6)(d) on Page 207]. The trail … Continue reading

Peak 7992

This peak is not in the book. Published July 2022 Peak 7992 is located northeast of Square Mountain on the east side of Square Mountain Creek. USGS Marble Butte Access See Square Mountain for access information. There is a large trailhead for FST-388 on FSR-444 at roughly mile 11.0. Park here. South Ridge, Class 2 Follow FST-388 to the south … Continue reading