Peak 7580

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas added two additional routes approaching the peak from a northern access point as well as a few new photos. Updated November 2023 This pup tent-shaped peak is located on the west side of Bradshaw Basin, southwest of Lone Pine Peak. USGS Lone Pine Peak Access Spar Canyon Road is the primary … Continue reading

Peak 7307 (Malm Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas added new routes approaching the peak from the north as well as some new photos. Updated November 2023 Although one of the shorter peaks in the Northern Boulder Mountains, Malm Peak is an attractive destination. It not only offers an expansive view of the surrounding mountains but its views extend down … Continue reading

Peak 7821

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas added new photos, a new access point, and a new route which, unlike my route, is self propelled. Updated November 2023 This peak is located south of Peak 7794. The two peaks are connected by a 4WD road. USGS Bald Mountain Access and Route, Class 1 Spar Canyon Road is the … Continue reading

Peak 7794

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas added new photos, a new access point, and a new ascent/descent route which, unlike my route, is self propelled. Updated November 2023 Peak 7794 is located on a ridgeline between Bradshaw Basin to the east and the East Fork Salmon River to the west. A 4WD road leads from the Bradshaw … Continue reading

Peak 7891

This peak is not in the book. Livingston Douglas added a new route, an alternative access point, and new photos to this page. Updated November 2023 Peak 7891 is located on the west side of Bradshaw Basin due north of Bradshaw Peak. All of the Northern Boulder Mountain peaks provide great views of the surrounding country. This peak is a … Continue reading

Spar Benchmark

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2022 It is almost universally true that if the USGS places a benchmark on a mountain peak, the views from that spot will be outstanding. Spar Benchmark proves this point. From its summit, the expansive view includes the Lost River Range, the White Knob Mountains, the White Cloud Peaks, the Salmon … Continue reading