Poker Peak by Livingston Douglas

Poker Peak (forested in center) as viewed from the north. The summit sits about 3/4 mile back from the visible forest. Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 371 of the book. Published November 2020 Poker Peak is a somewhat elusive peak with three summits of almost-equal height. The south summit is the high point. FST-158 skirts the east side of the summit area and a short scramble is required to reach the top. Poker Peak towers over … Continue reading

Beacon Hill by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Beacon Hill is quite visible from I-15, particularly for northbound travelers. Be very careful with private land around Beacon Hill, particularly at its south end. The private land is fenced and rigorously posted so stay off it. Bushwhacking here is thick and rough so be prepared for a battle if … Continue reading

Picnic Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

The summit area of Picnic Benchmark with freshly snow-dusted pines nearby. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Picnic Benchmark is a ranked summit that sits at the head of Picnic Hollow on the west side of I-15 north of Spencer, ID. Its west ridge is a short, enjoyable scramble from Pleasant Valley Creek Road/FSR-323. It has three benchmarks on the summit, all encased in concrete. This enjoyable … Continue reading

Peak 7693 by Livingston Douglas

View of Peak 7637 from the summit of Peak 7693. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 7693 is a remote peak situated on the north side of Pritchard Creek Canyon in the Caribou Range. It is difficult to reach thanks to private land closures at the mouth of Pritchard Creek Canyon. It can be reached, however, via a long ridge traverse and bushwhack from Blacktail … Continue reading

Peak 7637 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 7637 (forested hump in center) as viewed from the southeast along the ridge crest. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 7637 is the high point on a ridge that separates Pritchard Creek Canyon from Fall Creek Canyon. It is most easily reached via Blacktail Canyon and the east ridge of Point Lookout. You can also stay on FST-179 all the way from Blacktail Canyon to the summit and avoid … Continue reading