Copper Basin Knob

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 256-257 of the book. Copper Basin Knob is one of one of those peaks everyone says is on their list but few actually climb it. Rick Baugher climbed the peak from the north and reported Class 3 climbing on good rock. Many years ago, a seasonal Forest Service employee reported … Continue reading

Pegasus Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 253 of the book. Derek Percoski and Dave Pahlas have provided the additional route information found below. Updated August 2019 Pegasus Peak sits east of Surprise Valley and north of Standhope Peak. It is the northernmost peak on a rugged ridge line that includes two other 11ers, Andromeda and Altair … Continue reading

Saddle Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 311-312 of the book. On this page, you will find a route information for (1) the Middle Canyon route (2) the Cedar Canyon route and (3) Livingston Douglas’ west gully/northwest shoulder oute. Be sure to use the links below to check out Rick Baugher’s 1980 trip report, John Platt’s 2011 … Continue reading

Bear Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 304 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the new southwest shoulder route set out below as well as updated access information. Updated December 2019 Bear Mountain is located west of the main Lemhi Range Crest and south of Iron Creek Point. Its position “out in the valley” makes it great … Continue reading

Black Mountain 10237

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 335 of the book. Below you will find extensive updates. The first section is by Mike Hays. The second update is for a new route up the peak’s west shoulder/northwest ridge by Livingston Douglas. His ascent is the first recorded ascent via that line. USGS Targhee Peak Black Mountain by … Continue reading

Peak 9367

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 202 of the book. From personal experience I can state that the route in the book does not work as a Class 3 climb as it encounters impossible towers of rotten rock. Livingston Douglas has provided the definitive update for this peak which includes a detailed update of the East Face/South … Continue reading