Sherman Peak

Sherman Peak from the north.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 365 of the book. The access information in the book is no longer accurate as the roads and trails described therein have changed over the years. The updated information from Livingston Douglas (found below) will get you current. Updated February 2021 Sherman Peak is the 67th-most prominent peak in Idaho. … Continue reading

Ross Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 151 of the book. Jared Empey provided the update below. Updated July 2021 This is a great peak. Peaks don’t have to reach 10,000 feet to be good climbing objectives. USGS Ross Peak Access Bear Creek Road, FSR-080 [(F)(2.1.1) Page 144] Jared Empey Trip Report. Last year (2020) we drove … Continue reading

Lookout Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 219 of the book. Lookout Mountain is a Class 1 peak with a first-class view. If you want to extend your hike a bit, you can follow the peak’s Northeast Ridge to Robinson Bar Peak. USGS Casino Lakes … Continue reading

Taylor Mountain

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 134 of the book. Ken Jones’ August 2011 trip report and GPS track are added below. Farther down the page is a brief discussion of the peak’s history as a fire lookout. Updated June 2019 Taylor Mountain is a big hump with a broad summit plateau and over 2,000 feet … Continue reading

Plummer Peak

Plummer Peak from Mount Everly.

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 203 of the book. This remote Sawtooth summit is located far west of the main Sawtooth Crest in a beautiful section of the Sawtooth Wilderness. The peak does not see many ascents each year due to its location. Those fortunate enough to make the trip will find a classic scramble … Continue reading

Elkhorn Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 339 of the book. Livingston Douglas has provided more detailed information on the north ridge than you will find in the book. Elkhorn Peak is located south of Mount Baird. The two peaks are connected by a narrow ridge. USGS Mount Baird North Ridge, Class 2 by Livingston Douglas  Access … Continue reading