Pine Mountain by Livingston Douglas

The East Face of Pine Mountain as viewed from Peak 6667. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Updated January 2023 Pine Mountain towers over nearby Fish Creek Reservoir. It is the highest peak in this area. Unlike the other scrub hills around here, Pine Mountain has a patch of pine trees on its northern aspects. Consequently, its name. The easiest ascent route is via Timber Butte Spring and a shoulder … Continue reading

Blizzard Mountain

The summit cairn atop Peak 7900 with Blizzard Mountain in the background. The high point on Blizzard Mountain is the rightmost of the two humps. Livingston Douglas Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 257-258 of the book. The access route described in the book is now closed to the public by a private landowner. Fortunately, Derek Percoski has provided the new access information set out below which is current as of December 2019. Livingston Douglas added a photo from 2021. Updated January 2023 Blizzard … Continue reading

Peak 8170 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2019 Peak 8170 is arguably one of the toughest mountains in the Arco Hills. It is more of a rugged mountain than a gentle hill. It has numerous rock faces and cliffs on its west and southwest aspects. The easiest ascent route is via its north ridge from Wood Canyon Trail. … Continue reading

Lehman Butte by Livingston Douglas

Lehman Butte viewed from the NE at the 4-way road junction. The summit is the highest rocky hump, just left of center. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Lehman Butte is a ranked summit located just south of the Mackay Fish Hatchery on BLM land. Drive to the Fish Hatchery area and park at the final road junction just before a side road heads to the fish hatchery itself. Barton Cemetery sits at the base of the north … Continue reading

Peak 7058 (Inman Hill) by Livingston Douglas

The newly-built summit cairn atop Peak 7058, on a cold, rainy morning in mid-May. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Peak 7058 sits just west of Inman Pass. It is overshadowed by South Putnam Mountain (8,949 feet) and its long south ridge, which extends all the way to Inman Pass. Nevertheless, Peak 7058 makes for a nice, open ridge scramble from the National Forest Boundary at Inman Road. The easiest … Continue reading