Dugout Hill by Livingston Douglas

The West Face of Dugout Hill, as viewed from Navarre Creek. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Dugout Hill is a seldom-climbed scrub hill that overlooks Mackay Reservoir from the west. Due to private land in this area, it can be difficult to approach. The easiest ascent route on BLM land is via 4800N and BLM Road #143. 4800N is reached from the west via Fish Hatchery … Continue reading

Peak 8297 North by Livingston Douglas

The summit cairn atop Peak 8297 South with Peak 8297 North in the background. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Peak 8297 North is one of two summits of exactly equal, measured heights. This is highly unusual, particularly given that the summits are over 1-1/2 miles apart via a twisting, turning, up-and-down ridge traverse. Thankfully, the terrain here is open scrub and goes relatively quickly. You must do each summit … Continue reading

Peak 8256 by Livingston Douglas

The summit cairn atop Peak 8256 with the snow-laden Pahsimeroi Range in the background on a stormy afternoon in May. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Peak 8256 is located on a north-to-south ridge on the west side of Willow Creek Summit, on US-93 south of Challis, ID. It offers beautiful views of the west side of the Pahsimeroi Range. In May, Peak 8256 is likely to be snow-free while the [higher] Pahsimeroi Range is still buried … Continue reading

Swensen Butte by Livingston Douglas

Swensen Butte as viewed from the 2-track jeep road. The summit is just right of center. The Southeast Gully/South Ridge Route climbs the gully leading up to the saddle and then follows the ridge to the top. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. I added my route for the upper north ridge below Livingston’s route. Published November 2019 Swensen Butte is one of a number of buttes near Trail Creek Road. The southeast gully/south ridge is a fun scramble from a jeep road that gets you to the base of the butte. Swensen Butte has impressive … Continue reading