Peak 9115 (Mogg Hill) by Livingston Douglas

The thickly forested, ridgeline hump that is Peak 9115. The summit is left of center. Point 9097 is right of center. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2019 Peak 9115 is a forested ridgeline hump amid four ranked 9,000ers in the immediate vicinity (Peak 9115, Peak 9319, Peak 9523, Peak 9785). It is a relatively meaningless ranked point on the north ridge WEST of Mogg Mountain. The bushwhack from Carol Creek Pass is somewhat tedious and the views … Continue reading

Peak 9366 (Tater Hill) by Livingston Douglas

Peak 9366 as viewed from the summit of Peak 10349. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2019 Peak 9366 is a forested pile of shale that overlooks Tater Creek and the mouth of Tater Canyon. The easiest ascent route is the south ridge from mouth of Tater Canyon. Beware of timber rattlers in this ideal combination of woods and underlying shale rock. Peak 9366 doesn’t see too … Continue reading