Reas Peak by Livingston Douglas

Reas Peak as viewed from the east. The summit is dead-center. Livingston Douglas Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 332 of the book. Published November 2020 Reas Peak is located on the Continental Divide in the Eastern Centennials. It sits above Hell Roaring Canyon (MT), Blue Creek (ID), and Dry Creek (ID). Mount Jefferson is due north across Hell Roaring Canyon. The Continental Divide goes east from Reas Peak, … Continue reading

Peak 9584 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 9584 as viewed from the Continental Divide to its south. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 9584 is the highest point on the north side of Rock Creek Basin in the Eastern Centennials. It is overshadowed by its neighbor to the southwest, mighty Mount Jefferson (10,203 feet). Peak 9584 sits above Lake Marie and is most easily climbed via its southwest ridge and the Rock … Continue reading

Peak 8780 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 8780 (the hump right of center) and the undulating, weaving Continental Divide that leads southeast then south to it. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 8780 is located on the Continental Divide in the South Beaverheads. It sits above the headwaters of Poison Creek (MT) and is in a remote section of the Continental Divide. The CDT follows the crest of the Continental Divide in this area of easy, open scrub but it is … Continue reading

Knoll Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

Knoll Benchmark is the gentle hump (dead center) as viewed from the east. Livingston Dough Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Knoll Benchmark (also called “Knoll”) is located on the Continental Divide in the South Beaverheads just west of Monida Pass at I-15. It is a relatively meaningless bump on the undulating, weaving Continental Divide. It is easily climbed from Modoc Road to its south. There is a lot of private … Continue reading

Bear Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

Bear Benchmark as viewed from the east, just above the final saddle (right of center). The summit is left of center and is hidden behind the trees. From the grassy saddle, bushwhack diagonally left to reach the summit ridge and then head west for over 1/2 mile to FINALLY reach the top. Livingston Douglas Photo

Idaho climbing and access information for peak is on Page 323 of the book where, consistent with local usage, it is identified as Bear Peak. Livingston Douglas provided the Montana access and route information found below. Published November 2020 Bear Benchmark is a ridgeline summit on the Continental Divide. It sits above the headwaters of both Big Bear Creek (ID) and … Continue reading

Peak 6796 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 6796 and its cliffy northwest face as viewed from Peak 6420 to the northwest. Its summit is right of center. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2020 Peak 6796 is one of two peaks that tower over The Narrows: a rugged, cliff-faced section of Wolverine Canyon in the Blackfoot Mountains. The other peak is Peak 6420 to its northwest. Each has a combination of gentle sides and a wickedly-steep, cliffy side. Beware of the mix of private … Continue reading