Peak 3604 (Polecat Mountain)

Polecat Mountain viewed from the south.

This peak is not in the book. Published March 2020 Polecat Mountain is located in the Polecat Reserve at head of Polecat Gulch in northwest Boise. The peak sits due west of Peak 3793. The City of Boise and BLM manage the land. USGS Boise North Access The peak is easily accessed from the Polecat Loop Trail System which can … Continue reading

Peak 8074 (Lake Rock Peak)

Lake Rock Peak Viewed from Lake Rock. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published February 2020 Lake Rock Peak is situated at the North End of the Lick Creek Range, due north of Lake Rock. The peak is completely forested. USGS Victor Peak Access FH-21/Warren Wagon Road [(B)(2) on Page 135]. The trailhead for this peak is located 24.0 miles north of the start of Warren … Continue reading

Lake Rock

This peak is not in the book. Published February 2020 Lake Rock is situated at the North End of the Lick Creek Range, north of Diamond Ridge. The peak has a rugged summit block and an outstanding view. USGS Victor Peak Access FH-21/Warren Wagon Road [(B)(2) on Page 135]. The trailhead for this peak is located 24.0 miles north of … Continue reading

Peak 8407 (The Beast)

The Beast viewed from Tsum Lake. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published February 2020 The Beast is located southeast of Lick Creek Summit. The peak rises steeply above Cly Lakes Basin. USGS Box Lake Access The route to this peak begins at Lick Creek Summit. Access the Lick Creek Summit via Yellow Pine/Lick Creek Road/FH-48 [(B)(3) on Page 136], which is 20 miles from … Continue reading

Peak 8540 (Fitsum Buckhorn Divide)

The west face of Peak 8540 (Fitsum Buckthorn Divide) viewed from Lake 7195. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published February 2020 Peak 8540 is located east of the main Lick Creek Range Crest between North Fork Buckhorn and Fitsum Creeks. This peak is in the middle of nowhere. USGS Fitsum Peak Access East Fork Lake Fork trailhead [(B)(3)(b) on Page 136]. Hike up the East Fork Lake Fork Trail to the … Continue reading

Victor Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 112 of the book. Published February 2020 Victor Peak is located southeast of Loon Lake on a ridgeline that divides Enos and Loon Creeks. USGS Victor Peak Access FST-081/FST-084, Loon Lake Trails [(B)(2)(b) on Page 135] Northeast Ridge East, Class 2 This route, which begins at Loon Lake, is described … Continue reading