
This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak, Carl Hamke and Derek Percoski have provided the route information found below. Also, use the link below to read Rick Baugher’s trip report. Updated August 2019 Andromeda is located on a rugged ridge that includes Pegasus Peak and Altair Peak. Pegasus sits between these two peaks. USGS Standhope Peak Access Left … Continue reading

Gabriels Horn

This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak and Carl Hamke provided the Southwest Ridge route information. See their article on the Missing Eleveners in the Climbing History Section of this site. Derek Percoski climbed the West Face. His route is set out at the bottom of the page. Use this link to Pat McGrane’s Wildhorse Classics Guide for information … Continue reading

Peak 11189 (Mahogany Trident)

This peak is not in the book.  Mahogany Trident is located north of Mount Borah and south of Doublespring Pass in a cluster of 11ers that include Al West Peak, Horseshoe Mountain, and Doublespring Peak. The peak has a long, narrow East-West summit ridge. The only practical approach to the summit is via the East Ridge. USGS Borah Peak Access … Continue reading

North Ryan Peak

This peak is not in the book. Judi Steciak and Carl Hamke provided the following route information. Livingston Douglas made the first recorded descent of the peak’s northeast ridge in 2016. His route is set out below. USGS Ryan Peak Steciak/Hamke Route, Class 2 by Judi Steciak  Date of Climb: October 10, 2010 This peak is located a mile NNW … Continue reading

Grandjean Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Pages 194-195 of the book. This page is a complete revision of the entry in the book. The book entry has a lot of reliable information, but it is incomplete and wrong about the high point. Thanks go out to Greg Parker and Sean Duffy for their assistance with this revision. … Continue reading

Conical Top Peak

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 324 of the book. Livingston Douglas has provided us with a massive three-route update covering this interesting peak. All three routes are potential first ascents. Check it out and you will itching to climb this 10er. Please note that the book shows this peak at 10,125 feet while the more … Continue reading