Flagstaff Butte by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published December 2019 Flagstaff Butte is a minor hump located along Range Road where the road is heading in an east-west direction just north of the primary artillery area. This is one of the easiest peaks you will ever summit, tumbleweeds notwithstanding. USGS Christmas Mountain East Face, Class 2 Access From the signed junction … Continue reading

Bellevue Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

Bellevue Benchmark as viewed from Lower Broadford Road in Bellevue. Livingston Douglas Photo

This point is not in the book. Published December 2019 Bellevue Benchmark is located on a west-to-east ridge between Minnie Moore Gulch and Lees Gulch. It is positioned at the very eastern tip of this ridge and overlooks the town of Bellevue. It has two USGS benchmarks on the summit, one appropriately labeled “Bellevue.” The aforementioned ridge is between Peak … Continue reading

Magic Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

The summit cairn and summit post atop Magic Benchmark. Wedge Butte is in the distance, with ID-75 diagonally in between. Livingston Douglas Photo

This benchmark is not in the book. Published December 2019 Magic Benchmark is a hump that is located just west of ID-75 and about four miles south of US-20. While the shortest ascent route is via the east face from ID-75, the safer ascent route is from East Magic Reservoir Road to the north. It can also be climbed via … Continue reading

Old Baldy Peak by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 357 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the route information set out below. USGS Clifton. Published November 2019 North Ridge, Class 1 Access Same as for Buck Peak. This ascent is the final leg of a ridge traverse from Weston Peak to Old Baldy Peak. The Climb From the connecting … Continue reading