Coolwater Mountain by Mike Hays

The summit. Mike Hays Photo

This peak is not in the book. I added historical information provided by the Nez Perce Clearwater NF at the bottom of this page. Updated July 2021 Coolwater Mountain is the westernmost high point of the divide separating the Selway and Lochsa Basins. The mountain is not actually in the high crags but is a western extension of the Divide. … Continue reading

McNutt Peak (Peak 10327)

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 296 of the book. McNutt Peak/Peak 10327 is the northernmost Lemhi Range summit of at least 10,000 feet in height. There is good access to this peak and 4 other Lemhi 10ers via the Bear Valley Lakes Trail [(A)(10.2)(a) on Page 316]. Livingston Douglas has provided an alternative and more … Continue reading

Goldstone Mountain

Goldstone Mountain . Michael Darcy Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 323 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the updated photos, access and route information as well as the insightful commentary found below. Updated April 2018 Goldstone Mountain is a big mountain that is located just west of the Continental Divide. It is entirely in the State of Idaho. USGS Goldstone … Continue reading

Peak 9992 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Peak 9992 is located due east of Freeman Peak at the head of Freeman Creek. This incisor-shaped peak is often overlooked by climbers seeking the summit of popular Freeman Peak. Peak 9992 may become more popular now that Livingston Douglas has provided us with a route description. USGS Homer Youngs Peak Southwest Ridge, … Continue reading

Peak 8692

Peak 8692. Steve Mandella photo.

This peak is not in the book. Margo Mandella authored the initial page for this peak. Livingston Douglas added two new routes and additional photos. Whichever route you choose, be sure to read Livingston’s Map Error section which points out significant errors on the maps you may use. Updated January 2023 Northwest Ridge by Margo Mandella Peak 8692 is located … Continue reading

Bilk Mountain by Mike Hays

The summit. Mike Hays Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 71 of the book. The shortest approach is from Elk Mountain which, in turn, is accessed from the Magruder Corridor. Bilk Mountain is truly a bizarre mountain. While it is more of a long, tall ridge than a summit, it is capped by amazing rocks and boulders. These can form … Continue reading