Arco Hills High Point by Livingston Douglas

The Southeast Ridge of Arco Hills HP is on the left-half of the photo with Point 7352 being the forested, rocky outcrop just L of center. You cannot see the summit from here, it is behind Point 7352 by a good ¼ mile. The large, concrete-based cattle cistern which serves as the starting point for the Southeast Ridge Route. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Livingston reported that “This was probably the single most dangerous, most difficult climb of the summer. No kidding.” Considering that he climbed over 300 Idaho summits in 2019, it is wise to approach this peak with caution. Published November 2019 Arco Hills High Point is the most rugged summit in the Arco Hills and … Continue reading

Walker Benchmark by Livingston Douglas

The summit cairn and post atop Walker Benchmark with rocky Point 6586 in the distance (just left of the cairn post). Livingston Douglas Philadelphia

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Walker Benchmark is a ranked bump on the east ridge of Indian Mountain (7,298 feet). It makes for a fun scramble from Walker Creek Road to the south. It is also free of snow when many other ranked summits are not. Consequently, it makes for a good early- or late-season climb. … Continue reading

Peak 6708 by Livingston Douglas

The summit of Peak 6708 as viewed from the top of Peak 6910. The forested hump in the lower right is Point 6550. The summit is left-of-center, farther away, and is mostly in open terrain. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Peak 6708 is the third of three ranked summits in the hills south of Rattlesnake Peak in the South Hawkins Creek Valley. It is located southwest of Peak 6910 and is entirely on private land. Be sure to obtain permission from the landowner before tackling this peak. Peak 6708 is … Continue reading

Peak 6910 by Livingston Douglas

The undulating ridge line of Peak 6910. The double-humped summit is just left of center. The Left/West summit is the high point. Livingston Douglas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Peak 6910 is the highest of three ranked summits in the hill country south of Rattlesnake Peak. This area has numerous gullies/drainages, ridges, old roads and cattle trails. The bushwhacking in the gullies/drainages can be very difficult. While cattle roam this country now, miners staked their claims here many years … Continue reading