Weston Peak by Livingston Douglas

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 357 of the book. Livingston Douglas provided the new routes set out below. Published November 2019 Weston Peak is located on the Bannock Range Crest due west of Clifton, Idaho and just north of Old Baldy. USGS Clifton Northwest Ridge, Class 2 Access Same as for Buck Peak. This is … Continue reading

Buck Peak 7579 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Southwest Face/South Ridge, Class 2 Buck Peak is one of three ranked summits that surround Clifton Basin (Buck Peak, Peak 7870, and Weston Peak). When combined with nearby Old Baldy Peak (8,356 feet), you can have a 4-peak climb. The ridge traverse between these peaks offers stunning views. Buck Peak … Continue reading