Elk Butte by Livingston Douglas

Elk Butte. Dan Robbins Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Elk Butte is a small, unobtrusive hump on the long ridge that extends north from Pike Mountain. The peak has impenetrable brush/aspens/willows on its lower west face making a direct climb from Rock Creek Road a virtual impossibility. It also has several sections of thick forest on its north ridge, … Continue reading

Grand View Peak by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Grand View Peak is a point on the long northern extension of Buckskin Ridge. Buckskin Ridge is, in turn, an extension of the long, dominant north-south ridge that splits the South Hills—Deadline Ridge. Grand View Peak has a tall cairn and a USGS benchmark on its summit. It is guarded … Continue reading

Sugarloaf 5760 by Livingston Douglas

This peak is not in the book. Published November 2019 Sugarloaf is a windswept bump on a long plateau/butte at the north end of the South Hills. It has two notable landmarks: an antenna facility (quite visible) and a USGS benchmark (not so visible). The easiest route is via Indian Spring Road (from the north) with a short scramble up … Continue reading

Cedar Butte

Cedar Butte. Steve Mandella photo.

This peak is not in the book. Margo Mandella and Livingston Douglas provided the information based below based on separate climbs. Updated December 2020 Cedar Butte is a prominent and popular peak in Bingham County, in an area that locals call the greater “Arco Desert.” The Bureau of Land Management conducts research within a 36,000-acre wilderness study area that includes … Continue reading

War Eagle Mountain 8051 by Margo Mandella

War Eagle Mountain. Steve Mandella photo.

Climbing and access information for this peak is found on page 345. Also see the Owyhee Mountains Peaks List for all of the peaks in this range. Published September 2019 South Approach War Eagle Mountain has a patchy combination of public land (managed by BLM) and private land used by mining and communications companies. In spite of the private ownership, … Continue reading

Peak 9743 (Waterfall Creek Peak)

Waterfall Creek Peak looking up the northwest ridge. Dave Pahlas Photo

This peak is not in the book. Thanks to Dave Pahlas for the route information. His trip report is linked below. Published September 2019 Peak 9743 is located between Aggipah Mountain and Sheepeater Mountain on the West Side of Ship Island Lake. USGS Mount McGuire Access Access this peak from Ship Island Lake [(H)(4.1.1)(a),(a.2) and (a.2.1) on Pages 143-144]. Northwest … Continue reading