Chinook Mountain

Chinook Mountain ciewed from Peak 8722. John Platt Photo

Climbing and access information for this peak is on Page 118 of the book. Published October 2018 Chinook Mountain is located in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness northeast of Landmark. It is the highest point on a ridge system that divides Little Pistol Creek and Forty-Four Creek. This ridge system has 5 ranked summits and you can … Continue reading

Log Mountain/Deadwood Divide

This impressive ridge system runs unbroken for more than 60 miles between the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River in the north and South Fork of the Payette River in the south. The western boundary is formed by the South Fork Salmon River and Middle Fork Payette River. The eastern boundary is formed by Johnson Creek, … Continue reading

Peak 9101

Peak 9101 viewed from Mount Eldridge.

This peak is not in the book. Updated August 2019 Peak 9101 is located due south of Wolf Fang Peak and serves as an excellent spot to survey the spectacular country that surrounds Elk Summit. The road to the summit is also the starting point for a climb of Wolf Fang Peak. USGS Wolf Fang Peak Access and Route, Class … Continue reading

Flat Benchmark

Flat Benchmark viewed from Bender Peak.

This peak is not in the book. Two routes are set out below. The first is mine. I also climbed the peak using the trails taking the shortest line possible. Livingston Douglas’ report is next. He describes the traverse between Bender Peak and Flat Benchmark in more detail. Finally, you will find the circular route followed is by Erik Pohlmann. Erik approached … Continue reading

Peak 7855 by Livingston Douglas

Peak 7855 viewed from Peak 7814.

This peak is not in the book. Updated January 2023 Peak 7855 sits on the main Deep Creek Crest west-northwest of Deep Creek Peak. Peak 7855 is the high point on a north-south ridge that includes Peak 7758 to the north and Peak 7814 to the south. It is most easily reached via a Class 2 ridge traverse from Peak … Continue reading

Peak 7333

Peak 7333 from the North. Steve Mandella photo.

This peak is not in the book. Margo Mandella prepared the first version of this page including the introductory section. Livingston Douglas provided the updated access information and a new route description. Updated November 2019 Peak 7333 by Margo Mandella Peak 7333 is an attractive peak that lies slightly southeast of Arco Peak and northeast of the town of Arco, … Continue reading