Peak 10310 (Cold Creek Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Updated December 2019 Cold Creek Peak is located just west of Peak 10263 (Paramor Peak) on the main Lemhi Range Crest where it makes a 90-degree turn to the east. Michael Darcy climbed this peak in 2012 via its southwest ridge. His climb was possibly the first ascent of this peak. He was … Continue reading

Peak 10263 (Paramor Peak)

This peak is not in the book. Updated December 2019 Paramor Peak is located southeast of May Mountain on the main Lemhi Range Crest. The unofficial name for this peak was suggested by Rick Baugher. He climbed the peak in 2005. Livingston Douglas climbed the peak in 2019 and details the southeast ridge route below. USGS May Mountain Southeast Ridge, … Continue reading

Peak 10450

This peak is not in the book. Peak 10450 is located above the North Fork Morgan Creek and east of the main Lemhi Range Crest. The two closest officially-named peaks are Long Mountain and May Mountain. There are no recorded ascents of Peak 10450. USGS May Mountain … Continue reading

Peak 10060

This peak is not in the book. Kieran Balazs provided update information and a photo of the peak. Also, use the link below to read his trip report which contains more details and photos. Updated November 2022 Peak 10060 is located west of Buck Lakes Peak and the main Lemhi Range Crest. USGS Allison Creek Access Same as for Buck … Continue reading

Peak 10375 (West Lem Peak)

This peak is not in the book. West Lem Peak is located west of Lem Peak. USGS Lem Peak Access Bear Valley Lakes [(A)(10.2)(a) on Page 316] East Ridge, Class 2+ Rick Baugher traversed over from Lem Peak. Rick’s trip report is linked below. Note: West Side access is blocked by private land in the Allison Creek drainage. … Continue reading