Chair Point

Chair Point. John Platt Pohto

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2018 Chair Point is the home of an active fire lookout. The peak has had a fire lookout on its summit since 1931. The current structure is still staffed during the summer months. The Forest Service picked this point because of the vast views afforded by the location. The actual summit … Continue reading

Peak 6553

Peak 6553. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2018 Peak 6553 is located between Peak 6030 and Chair Point in the southwest corner of the Clearwater Mountains. USGS Riggins Hot Springs Access From Riggins, Idaho drive west on the Salmon River Road/FSR-1614 for 9.7 miles and then turn north onto the Allison Creek Road/FSR-221. This road climbs for 12.0 … Continue reading

Peak 6030

Peak 6030. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2018 Peak 6030 forms the southern end of a very long north-south trending ridge line identified as Brushy Ridge in its northern extremes. The ridge includes Peak 6553, Chair Point and Southwest Butte. USGS Riggins Hot Springs Access From Riggins, Idaho drive west on the Salmon River Road/FSR-1614 for 9.7 miles … Continue reading

Peak 8264 (Thunderbolt Ridge)

Thunderbolt Ridge. John Platt Photo

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2018 Thunderbolt Ridge is located north of Warm Lake and just southwest of Thunderbolt Mountain. John Platt made the only recorded ascent. His trip report is linked below. It should also be possible to traverse the ridge between this peak and Thunderbolt Mountain. USGS Warm Lake Access The book lists two … Continue reading

Krassel Knob

This peak is not in the book. Published June 2018 Krassel Knob is located on the West Side of the South Fork Salmon River just west of the Forest Service’s Krassel Work Center. This area has been scarred by forest fires and, as a result, offers many large vistas. USGS Fitsum Peak Access South Fork Salmon River Road [(C)(1.1) on … Continue reading

Peak 5024 (Indian Peak)

Peak 5024 viewed from the east.

This peak is not in the book. Additional Danskin Mountains access information is in the book [(D)(1) on Pages 154-155 and (G)(1) on Page 156. Also see the following website page: Danskin Mountains OHV Trails. Information and the suggested name for this peak was first provided by Erik Pohlmann. I have added additional route information based on a 2019 ascent. Updated … Continue reading